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What is the Speed?

The blade on a table saw spins at 3650 rpm. Its diameter is 25.0 cm.?
a) What is the speed of a tooth on the edge of the blade in m/s?

Angular speed w = 3650 rpm
= 3650 * 2*pi rad / 60 s
= 382.22 rad / s
Diameter d = 25 cm
radius r = d / 2 = 12.5 cm = 0.125 m
v = 47.77 m / s
b) What is the speed of a tooth on the edge of the blade in mph?
v = 47.77 * (1/1690) mi / ( 1 / 3600 h )
= 106.9 mph

About Vita

Comment ( 1 )

  1. *1/1690 should actually be 1/1609… 1 mile = 1609.34 meters

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