Suvat Question?


An aircraft lands on a runway at a velocity of 40 m s-1 and brakes to a halt in a distance of 860 m. Calculate

a) the breaking time
b) the deceleration of the aircraft

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General Physics RvTDLR 7 years 1 Answer 1016 views 0

About RvTDLR

Answer ( 1 )

  1. For a single period with uniform acceleration, you can find average velocity by doing the average of the starting and ending velocity.
    Vavg = (40 + 0)/2 = 20 m/s
    Displacement = Vavg * time
    Since aircraft doesn’t switch direction, displacement is also distance traveled.

    860 m = 20 m/s * t
    t = 43 s
    Acceleration = change in velocity / time = -40 / 43 = -0.93 m/s^2

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